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Financial Plan for a Business
[ Скачать с сервера (1.11 Mb) ] 11.07.2010, 00:47
The model contains detailed backup information in many sectors. Not all of these options are available in the Light and Basic versions.
Sales model: revenue and sales units segmented by products & product families, and by geographic locations.
   Product support contracts, installed base.
  Optional scenarios: You can specify three scenarios (typically low, medium, high) for sales.
  Optional sales funnel: Includes qualified leads of varying quality, order backlog, and conversion rates.
Production model: computes production units and cost of goods based on projected sales and desired
  inventory levels. Cost of goods is composed of direct material, direct labor, and purchased services.
  Includes several optional features:
− Tracks several types of direct labor, with $/hour, hours/prouction unit.
− Tracks direct labor headcount, labor utilization, and overtime. You can set headcount directly, or specify
   a target labor utilzation and let the model compute the headcount.
− Production "learning curve" cost reductions that optionally lower prices
Operating expense model: tracks indirect labor expense, facilities expense, admin and other expenses.
  You explicitly specify expenses in the early quarters. 
− Optional: Computes later direct labor headcount and expense with Cobb-Douglas formulas of the form
   Headcount or Expense = Constant * Revenue ^ Exponent. 
Financial expense and tax model: short and long-term debt and interest rates, interest on cash balances,
  income tax rates and tax loss carried forward.
Asset model: includes cash, accounts receivable, inventory units and value (LIFO accounting) by product,
  debt, asset purchases and depreciation. 
Liability model: includes accounts payable, short-term debt, leases, long-term loans, and bonds.
Equity model: includes paid-in capital, retained earnings, dividends, and internal rate of return.
Valuation model: values the business based on the present value of future net income, including a simple
   income model after the end of model time.
The model includes these software features.
Time grains in most reports change over time: quarters with annual sums at early times and years later.
• Excel graphs of key variables. These graphs are integrated into the FinModel model from which they get
   their source data. You can add more graphs, and optionally import them into FinModel.
This model containas "Features" that can be separately turned on or off in FinModel. Not all of these features are avaiable in the Light or Basic versions of this template.
• Three scenarios for low, medium, and high revenue
• Sales returns and associated expenses
Advanced methods for using revenue to drive heacount and various expenses that include scale effects
• Annuity bonds with sale date, face value, interest rate, and balloon payments
• Tagged long-term assets with various depreciation methods (for major assets), and untagged long-term assets
Valuation of the company based on its cash flows, including a "tail" cash flow beyond the end of model time,
  using a specified discount rate, or one computed by the Capital Asset Pricing Model
Computation of an internal rate of return (IRR)
Категория: Модели для корпоративных финансов | Добавил: Den
Просмотров: 532 | Загрузок: 253