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Decision Support
[ Скачать с сервера (57.1 Kb) ] 11.07.2010, 00:36
Inputs to the model include: (All input cells are shaded blue in the workbook.)
• A list of alternative courses of action.
A list of criteria for evaluating the alternative courses of action.
• A list of weights of each decision criterion. The weights are the same for all alternative course of action.
• A quantitative rating of each alternative for each decision criterion. We recommend a range of 0 - 5
   for each rating.
The Advanced version of the model supports decisions with uncertain outcomes. See the technical notes below for more information.
The key results are displayed on worksheet "Results."
As you explore the model, we suggest that you
• Read some of the Excel comments that are attached to Analysis Variables throughout the workbook.
  These comments also appear in FinModel in convenient places.
• View worksheet "Formulas" which shows the named variables and symbolic formulas of the model
   in a compact and readable form. The symbolic formulas are not active in this Excel workbook, but they
   give you some idea how the model works, and how it looks in FinModel.
Suggestions for using this model
1. Use this workbook as-is, if the model fits your decision situation. You can change the data in the dark blue
    input cells. You can change the display names of dimension items and variables in dark blue cells on the
    worksheet "Labels."
2. Customize this Excel workbook to make a decision support tool that fits your situation.
3. Use FinModel to edit the formulas in this model, using named variables, symbolic formulas (and far fewer
    formulas), segmentation dimensions and time series, without ever touching a cell address -- and end up with
    a conventional Excel workbook.
To do this, go the the FinModel website below and request a trial account for FinModel.
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