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Evaluation and Ranking of Candidates for Employment
[ Скачать с сервера (135.0 Kb) ] 11.07.2010, 00:38
The Standard Version may not include all the features listed.
Inputs to the model include: (You can edit inputs in the darker blue cells in the workbook.)
• A specification of the open position (Position_Title, Position_Type, Hiring_Manager, Hiring_Department)
• A list of candidates (Candidate_Name)
• A list of criteria for evaluating the job opportunities (in the FinModel dimension "Criteria")
• A weighting factor for each evaluation criterion for the open position. 
– The weights are the same for all candidates.
– The application includes suggested evaluation weights for five types of positions (Weights_All_Jobs_Input).
   You can use a blend of these weights or override the suggested weights by entering your own weights.
• A quantitative rating of each employment candidate for each decision criterion (Candidate_Detail_Ratings)
We encourage you to ener rating comments (on worksheet "Inputs - Candidates") to provide background information on the ratings. These will help communicate the rationales behind ratings and build consensus.
The key results are displayed on worksheet "Ratings Summary."
As you explore the model, we suggest that you
• Read some of the Excel comments that are attached to Analysis Variables throughout the workbook.
  These comments also appear in FinModel in convenient places.
• View worksheet "Formulas" which shows the named variables and symbolic formulas of the model
   in a compact and readable form. The symbolic formulas are not active in this Excel workbook, but they
   give you some idea how the model works, and how it looks in FinModel.
Before using this application, see the note "How to use this application" below.
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