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Monte Carlo Dynamic Simulation of an Economy
[ Скачать с сервера (2.52 Mb) ] 10.07.2010, 01:31
The second model extends the first macro-economic model by adding a rudimentary financial market to the production economy. It has a variable interest rate and a variable demand for capital.  The financial market model is based on the IS-LM model presented by Hicks in 1937.

The third model extends the second model by adding a variable price level with a constant money supply to the production and financial markets. It is based on the aggregate supply aggregate demand model.

This fourth model adds an inventory adjustment mechanism. Adjustment of inventory is a significant factor in short-term business cycles.  Meltzer outlined early macroeconomic inventory adjustment models in 1941.
This model also includes a lagged unemployment variable which does not affect the rest of the model and is used only for analysis.
Категория: Макроэкономические модели | Добавил: Den
Просмотров: 420 | Загрузок: 253